Tuesday, 12 February 2013

CHINESE PORK 4 -Roast Pork Belly. 燒肉 / 燒豬肶

I square pc. Pig belly about 2 kg.
1/2 bowl of salt, 1 tbsp chicken powder, 1 tsp five spice powder,
mix well in a bowl.
1/2 bowl bi-ca water ( 1 tsp bi-ca powder melt in 1/2 bowl of water)

豬腩 1 大方塊約 2 公斤,或扎好之豬肶。
鹽 1/2 碗,雞粉 1 湯匙,五香粉 1 茶匙,同混合於碗內。
梳打粉水 1/2 碗( 1 茶匙梳打粉溶於 2 湯匙水內),
或梘水 1 茶匙+2 湯匙水。

Method : -
1) Bring to boil 1/2 pot of water, put in pork belly soak for 10 minutes. Take out.
Use a fork or nail stick to punch the pork skin until full of holes.
2) Rub with salt, chicken powder & five spice powder evenly cover the whole
meat. Leave for 2-3 hours.
3) Preheat oven 220* , brush the bi-ca water on the skin before put in oven.
Put on a foil covered baking rack. Bake until the skin crispy & brown about
half hour.
4) Turn up side down, bake another half hour, turn skin up again, bake for
another half hour until the skin hard & crispy, hit with a wooden chopstick
to check.
5) Take out, leave it cool. Use a knife to cut open line on skin, then follow the line
to chop. Ready to serve! The crispy can keep for whole day.

# This dish can serve in western style, cut two long slices and serve with apple
cinnamon sauce . (1 apple cut into cubes cook until mashed + sugar + cinnamon
1/2 tsp stir for a while)
#. If want to bake the pig belly skin ( if can buy from butcher) ,
follow the same method will do. Leave it cool and cut up side down,
so that the skin won't loose apart.

1) 煮大熱水,放入豬腩出水 10 分钟,取出。趁熱用义或针插,
2) 平均在猪腩底面都擦上盐、鸡粉及五香粉,醃 2-3 小時。
3) 預熱焗炉 220度,豬腩入爐前在皮上掃上梳打粉水或梘水,
4) 反轉再焗半小時,再反轉皮向上,焗多半小時至皮硬及脆,
5) 取出,掠凍。用有齒刀在皮上界出切口,跟切口斬件上碟。
#. 此燒肉也可作西餐用,只要切兩長片肉,拌以月桂萍果醬。
(萍果 1 個切粒 煮成茸+糖+月桂粉1/2茶匙,撹勻便成)
#. 有時可在肉店買到豬皮連半吋肉的,用同樣方法去焗,

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