Thursday, 25 April 2013

CHINESE DIM SUM 6 -Cantonese Wonton (Short Soup)/ Crispy Wonton 廣東鮮蝦 雲吞/ 水餃 及 酥炸 雲吞

1 bowl Minced Pork
1 bowl Shelled Prawns
2 pcs Dried Dai Day Fish or Moak Fish
1/2 bowl Bamboo Shoot (fine slice)
1/2 bowl Dried Black Fungus (soak and fine slice)
1 pack (60 pcs) Wonton skin.
1 pack Wonton stock.

碎豬肉 1 碗
中蝦肉 1 碗
大地魚干或木魚干 2 條
竹筍 1/2 碗 (切幼絲)
白木耳 1/2 碗 (切幼絲)
全旦雲吞皮 1 包(約60片)
雲吞湯包 1 個

1) Soak the dried fish in 180* hot oil until golden brown, take out and
blend into powder.
2) Minced Pork marinate with soya sauce, sugar, corn flour & white pepper,
add in the black fungus slices, bamboo slices and dried fish powder mix well,
add in 1 egg yolk and stir well.
3) Put a suitable portion on a pc of wonton skin and wrap nicely. And this is
Sui Gou.
4) Boil a pot of water and soak in the Dimpling, boil until it float up, take out.
Boil the wonton stock, put in the cooked dimpling, soak 1 min.
Put 1 tsp soya sauce and diced spring onion in an empty serving bowl,
pour in the dumplings and the soup, then ready to serve.

# 1) Wonton- skip the bamboo shoot and the black fungus.

#. 2) Sui Gou- wrap bigger portion of filling and with bamboo shoot and fungus.

# 3) Crispy Wonton- Press the prawns with the knife on the chopping board,
Skip the bamboo shoot and fungus, add 1/2 bowl chopped water chestnut.
And very little quantity of minced pork. Wrap a small portion with wonton
skin in a crown shape, deep fry in 180* hot oil until golden brown, take out
and serve with sweet and chili sauce.

做法 :-
1)用 180* 熱油將魚干炸至金黄,取出用机打碎或輾碎亦可,備用。
再加入旦黄 1 個攪透。
再煮沸云呑湯底,放入已熟之水餃煮 1 分钟。

# 1) 雲吞 - 除去木耳及筍絲便是。
# 2) 水餃 - 包大隻一些,要有木耳及筍絲。
# 3) 酥炸雲吞 - 把蝦肉在枮板上用刀背壓成蝦膠,除去筍絲和木耳,

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

CHINESE POULTRY 8 - Chicken in Portuguese Style 葡國雞


6 pcs Chicken Drumsticks (boneless)
2 onion (cut into chunks)
4 potatoes (cut into chunks)
2 shallots (slice)


50g butter,
3/4 cup flour,
1 cup chicken stock
1/2 can Carnation milk
1/2 can coconut milk
1 tbsp curry powder


雞肶肉 6 只(去骨)
洋葱 2 只 (切角塊)
薯仔 4 只(切角塊)
紅蔥頭 2 只(切片)


牛油 50 克
麵粉約 3/4 杯
雞湯 1 杯
花奶 1/2 罐,
椰汁 1/2 罐,
咖喱粉 1 湯匙。

Method : -

1) Chicken meat cut into chunks and marinate with soya sauce,
sugar, pepper, wine and corn flour.
2) Heat oil to fry the potatoes until brown. Sauté onion & shallot until smell.
3) Melt butter and add flour to stir fry until mixed well, add chicken
broth stir evenly until smooth, add in milk, add some water if necessary.
4) Add the potatoes and the onion into the sauce, low heat to cook until tender.
5) Heat oil and 2 pcs. ginger, add in chicken pcs fry for 10 mins, add the curry
powder stir fry together for another 5 mins. Put into the sauce and cook
for another 10 mins. Add the coconut milk and stir well. Dish up!
Nice to serve with rice or bread.


5)熱油爆香羌兩片,下雞塊爆炒 10 分鐘,加入咖哩粉同炒 5 分鐘,
全放入汁料內再煮 10 分鐘。下椰汁撹匀,便可供食。拌白飯或法飽匀美味!

CHINESE APPETIZER 1 - Tofu with Thousand Year Egg. 皮旦豆腐

1 box Tofu (slice)
1 Black egg (cut small squares)
1 Green Thai Chili (seedless & dice)
1 Red Thai Chili (seedless & dice)
1 tsp mashed garlic, some chopped spring onion.

新鲜滑豆腐 1 盒(切片)
皮旦 1 個(切小方粒)
泰國長紅/青椒 各 1 只(去籽,切碎粒)
蒜茸 1 茶匙, 蔥粒適量。

Method : -
1) Slice the Tofu carefully and place on plate.
2) Heat 1 tsp oil to sauté the diced chili and garlic, add 2 tsp light soy,
1 tsp dark soy, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tsp sugar, 2 tbsp water,
cook for 5 mins. Off fire.
3) Place the black egg on top of the Tofu, then sprinkle the chopped
spring onion on the black egg, and pour the sauce evenly on top of
black egg. Serve as a cold appetizer.
# Can add 1 diced avocado put together with the back egg, to stronger
the taste.

2)熱油 1 茶匙放入辣椒粒及蒜茸爆香,加入生抽 2 茶匙,老抽 1 茶匙,
麻油 1 茶匙,糖 1 茶匙,水 2 湯匙,同煮約 5 分鐘,熄火。
# 可加一個牛油果切粒,同皮旦放一起,增添食趣。